New User needs to access custom content.

I have a user who is new to TDX.  There is content that they know exists that they want to add to their desktop by editing the desktop. 

But when they click on Edit Desktop, they cannot find the content to add.

I am thinking that this is a matter of the content being custom content and the person who created the content needs to either give access to the new user or identify the group that the new user needs to be added to so that they can find the content.  

Is this essentially correct, or am I missing something?  Is there a way that I can find who created the content?

Tags desktop custom-content
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Fri 8/18/23 9:31 AM
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Brittany Renn Fri 8/18/23 9:48 AM

Hi Mathew,

That sounds correct. Do you know if its a certain report the user is looking for that someone else created? If so, you should be able to locate that report in TDAdmin > Saved Reports > Set Visibility to "Both" and that should allow you to find the owner of the report. If the report visibility is only set to the owner, you can have them edit the report and share it with the user. That said, if it's like a desktop template, you should be able to find that in TDAdmin as well and then assign it to the user on their user record. 

Hopefully this helps but feel free to reach out if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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