Automatically Notifying a Requestor that a Ticket is On Hold (Awaiting their input)

When we put a ticket on hold awaiting customer/requestor input, can the requestor be notified automatically at certain intervals that the ticket is on hold awaiting their input/response?  We are considering creating a new "hold" status of "Waiting for Customer Response" ( or similar) but my team is wondering if there is a way to periodically & automatically ping the requestor while the ticket has that status. Thank you!

Tags requestor on-hold automatic-notification onhold
Asked by Greg Dec on Tue 8/15/23 8:58 PM
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David Tod Wed 8/16/23 8:32 AM

I just implemented this in iPaaS. At a high level, we have a report that identifies tickets in "Awaiting your reply" status (and in our case, with no end date set).

For each ticket, we look at the last modified date, and get the ticket feed entries. If the days since last update is more than 3, we update the ticket with a reminder. After ten days of no response, we cancel the ticket with a "work done, no response" status.

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