Using Custom Forms on Client Portal


We are in the process of building out our Service Catalog and are creating custom forms in TDAdmin to assist under TDAdmin > Applications > Tickets > Forms. However, when working in the Service Catalog, I don't see all of the forms that are created there. We have 56 forms created in the ticketing application but in the Client Portal, we only have the ability to choose ~20. Is there a button that we aren't clicking that isn't allowing some of these forms to be selected in the Client Portal? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Tags form forms tdadmin custom-form clientportal custom-forms
Asked by Riley Fay on Fri 8/11/23 5:11 PM Last edited Fri 8/11/23 5:14 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 8/14/23 9:06 AM

Hi Riley,

You might have to navigate to the form(s) in question in TDAdmin again, go to their Services tab, and mark them as Shared forms if the button for that is visible there.

Can you confirm if this is the case?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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You are a CHEAT CODE!!! Thank you!!! Every time I have an issue, you solve it instantly. Thank you so, so much!
- Riley Fay Mon 8/14/23 10:40 AM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Mon 8/14/23 10:43 AM