Run Report for "My Accomplishments"

Is it possible to run a report to see the "My Accomplishments" for an individual? 

Tags report my-accomplishments
Asked by Carl Amlin on Wed 7/26/23 12:02 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 7/26/23 12:21 PM

Hi Carl, 

The My Accomplishments feature in the My Work application just shows work items marked as completed by the user in question. There isn't a specific reporting configuration for a users accomplishments, but I'd think you should be able to run a ticket report and add a filter for Resolved by "Users Name" and get the same information. 

Let me know if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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Ahh okay thanks. My idea was that My Accomplishments pulls both tickets and tasks and would allow you to look at both in one report rather than needing to pull both a ticket and separate task report. - Carl Amlin Wed 7/26/23 2:21 PM