Add Converted Request Ticket to Change as Child

We are running product enhancement requests as an Agile project. In this scenario, a request ticket has been converted to a task on the project plan. When it's time to release the feature, a change ticket is created. In the Parent/Child tab when the converted ticket is selected to add to the parent change, a message appears "Successfully added 0 child ticket(s) to this change. See the following errors which were also encountered: Service Request xxx has been converted to a project task."

Is there a work around to support the desired change (parent) - converted ticket (child) relationship?

Tags ticket convert-to-project change child-tickets
Asked by Mary Stanewich on Fri 6/30/23 2:25 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Fri 6/30/23 2:38 PM

Hi Mary, 

A parent ticket can contain any of the child classifications below it. Because a project task, is not considered a ticket classification, then it would no longer be eligible to be a child of a ticket. The KB below has provides a good overview of the different ticket classifications and relationships: 

Hopefully this helps, but let me know if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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