Workspace item age needs


For a particular Workspace, we Ido not want to bring in anything older than a year. The idea is that the workspaces always show the tickets and tasks for the current year and that way everything is automatic from year to year. New items get put in as they are made, old items get removed.

I can filter by start date of the ticket/task etc. but there is no option for "Run date".  

Do you know of some other way to achieve this desired age state in our Workspace?

Tags workspaces
Asked by Anna-Liisa Breit on Thu 6/22/23 11:19 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 6/22/23 11:33 AM

Hello Anna-Lisa,

Workspace removal rules do not currently operate automatically. Only the rules to *add* items to a workspace operate automatically. ( per )

So you do need to run those manually periodically to be sure items are cleaned up.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS


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