Workspace Item Removal Rules

This article will help workspace owners to configure and use workspace item removal rules. The user must be an owner of a workspace to configure rules.  


Workspace removal rules allow the workspace owner to configure a set of rules that will remove items from the workspace. This can be useful to help remove items that no longer meet the workspace's criteria, such as items that have been reassigned to other teams or have been resolved. 

Configuring Removal Rules

Follow these steps to configure a workspace removal rule: 

  1. Navigate to your workspace (TDNext > Applications Menu > Workspaces > Change workspace if necessary). 
  2. Navigate to the Settings page. 
  3. Click New Rule. 
  4. Select Rule Type = Remove and the appropriate Item Type.
  5. Enter a Name and optional Description for the rule. 
  6. Configure filters to find the items you want the rule to remove. 
  7. Click Save. 

Running Removal Rules

Removal Rules do not run automatically. Therefore you will need to periodically use the Run Rule action in the Rules list page to run the removal rule. 


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