Excel Add-in reports for asset reports

When using the Excel add in I can only see ticket reports.  Is it possible to have the excel add in pull asset reports?

Tags reports asset exceladdin
Asked by Thomas Couperthwaite on Thu 6/1/23 5:05 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 6/2/23 11:06 AM

Hi Thomas,

It looks like your asset reports were created yesterday. Did you try it again after having signed out of the add-in and signing back in again after creating them?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I did try again after it was created. It only shows the source of tickets for the reports. Do I have to change the URL for asset reports? - Thomas Couperthwaite Mon 6/5/23 4:54 PM
I don't believe that URL should ever need to be changed, no. I'm looking into something on this for you though so I'll check back soon hopefully with an updated response. - Mark Sayers Mon 6/5/23 5:26 PM
figured it out. The service account we are using for the api did not have permissions to assets application. They show up now. - Thomas Couperthwaite Tue 6/6/23 9:22 AM
Typically folks sign in as themselves to that add-in so I was confused that you weren't showing those reports, but that makes sense if you were using another TDX account entirely. - Mark Sayers Tue 6/6/23 9:26 AM