Workflow Notifications

I created a public form with a work flow to send the requester a notice. When someone that is not logged in to TD creates a ticket, the the notice is being sent to the backup recipient. How can I get the notice to send to the person submitting the public form? 

Tags automatic-notification
Asked by Alex Oquendo on Thu 6/1/23 11:58 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 6/1/23 2:11 PM

Hi Alex,

If your workflow uses a Notification type step for this notification, it is not able to send to a requestor/person who does not have a TDX account already. This is documented in our KB on the notification steps:

"Customer records are not eligible to be recipients of a notification step in a workflow."

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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