TDX iPaaS Response Body Customization

I am attempting to utilize a Webhook to trigger an iPaaS flow that has a very strict json schema structure of what the response body should look like. I know currently the default response data is being stored in the {Data} object but I would like to customize the entire structure of that response, Is this possible?

Much Thanks!

Tags schema json webhook-response iPaaS
Asked by Nic Hayes on Sun 5/28/23 7:44 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 5/30/23 11:49 AM

Hello Nic,

Is this webhook coming from TDX, or from some other system?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks for the quick reply Mark. It is another external webhook. I have no control over their schema so I need to be able to customize the ipaas response body not just the data object in the response body. - Nic Hayes Tue 5/30/23 12:01 PM
Hey Mark, after talking with Matthew on the slack channel I now have my answer and a feature enhancement has been submitted.Thank You! - Nic Hayes Tue 5/30/23 7:28 PM

David Tod Fri 6/2/23 12:53 PM

I had the same question and need, e.g. I'd like to return iCal, RSS, csv, etc from an iPaaS api call.

I found a solution that I think will work by building a Google Apps Script web app that calls the iPaaS api and returns just the data element with the appropriate mime type, but having it native would be great and would make security easier.

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