Comment Added email loop

We have a ticket that is sending out "Comment Added" several times a minute and it won't stop. How can we stop this and prevent it going forward?

Tags email
Asked by Kai Krause on Thu 5/25/23 7:52 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 5/30/23 2:01 PM

Hello Kai,

It sounds like you have a user account in your system whose Alert/Notification email address is the same as an email address you're currently monitoring for emailed replies. I'd change that user's Alert/Notification address so it can't be contacted from within TeamDynamix.

Also, it will be the most timely for you to consult your implementation team directly via your implementation project for assistance on topics like this while your school is being configured and trained on TeamDynamix.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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