Priority Sorting

Is there a way to sort items on reports by Priority that is not alphabetical? So for example rather than seeing items in this order:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Medium

I want to see them in this order:

  1. High
  2. Medium
  3. Low

It doesn't make sense to sort by priority alphabetically. 

Thank you!

Tags reporting priority
Asked by Mariah Rible on Mon 5/1/23 11:27 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 5/1/23 11:30 AM

Hi Mariah,

Unfortunately there aren't any sorting configuration options that would allow reports to behave as you're wanting them to. You should put this in as an enhancement idea though for some of those priority-matrix-related fields to specifically sort by their level of importance rather than alphabetically.

Enhancements can be entered here:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
In the meantime, you could edit the name to something like "1 - High", etc. to make the sorting work. Not sure of other ramifications. - Greg Van De Mark Mon 5/1/23 12:35 PM
That's a good idea, thanks Greg! - Mariah Rible Mon 5/1/23 12:37 PM