Create Project tasks / update Percent Complete with API?

Hi there,

I saw a previous post saying that you cannot create new project tasks via the API. I just want to make sure that is still the case or if there are any plans to do this in the future.

Second question, I am trying to update the 'PercentComplete' field for project tasks and I get a 200 response but the card does not actually update. Anything I am missing here?

Thank you.

Tags API
Asked by Ryan McKenna on Thu 3/23/23 4:53 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Fri 3/24/23 10:18 AM

Hi Ryan, 

There is still not an endpoint that would support creating new project tasks via the API. You could always submit a Product Idea though, so that type of feature can be considered in future versions:

As to your second question, I would suggest submitting a support ticket so we can take a deeper look into the call/response to see why the card isn't updating. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support


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