Adding Room Lists to Existing Locations


Is there a way to add rooms to pre-existing locations? When I click the option to edit locations, I do not see a place to input rooms that exists when creating new locations. 

Thank you.

Tags location location-room room-number
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Wed 3/1/23 4:17 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 3/1/23 4:23 PM

Hello Anderson,

Yes, you add rooms to existing locations from within TDNext in an assets/CIs app. Also, your root TDX security role must have the permission for "Create and modify the list of locations and their rooms" enabled.

You open a Location from the Assets app, scroll down, and you can see the existing rooms and also there is a button to facilitate adding more rooms.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Mark:

I see that button now after updating my permissions.

Is there a way to add a list of rooms, like when creating a new location, or do rooms have to be added individually?

If there is not a way to add rooms in batches via the TDNext or TDAdmin interfaces, is there a way to do so via API?

Thank you.
- Anderson Hanchett Wed 3/1/23 4:29 PM
Unfortunately after creation, the manual option only allows for creating additional rooms one by one. There is a Location Room Import option available in Assets/CIs apps too though. - Mark Sayers Wed 3/1/23 4:31 PM