Project Issue Notifications

I have several questions about project issues and their notifications.

  1. Can issues notify someone other than the project manager by default when they are created?
  2. Do updates to issues automatically notify the person responsible? Can they?
  3. Can the status of an issue be edited via the Edit button instead of just via Update?

Thank you!

Tags issues notifications projects-workspaces project-issues
Asked by Mariah Rible on Tue 2/14/23 3:34 PM Last edited Tue 2/14/23 3:36 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 2/14/23 3:54 PM

Hi Mariah,

  1. When creating a new issue you can choose to notify anyone currently assigned to the project as a resource/manager, anyone in your TDX user base, or you can use the "Other Email Addresses" field to plug in an address of someone currently not affiliated with any TDX account in your organization.
  2. By default they do not have anyone selected for notification, no, nor is there a setting to ensure that someone is selected by default on the Issue Update window.
  3. Currently no, the status is only updateable from the Update window.
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I don't see an option to notify other people except for the Project Manager when creating an issue via the Client Portal. I only see it in TDNext. Is this something I need to enable? - Mariah Rible Tue 2/14/23 5:31 PM
Sorry, yes I was referring to creating an Issue in TDNext. From the client portal there is only the option to notify the project manager. - Mark Sayers Wed 2/15/23 9:09 AM