Cancelling Tasks for a Cancelled Ticket

When a ticket is cancelled or closed the tasks are left as is and can show up on reports as still needing action. What is the preferred method of "cancelling" a task besides setting it as 100%? Scenario: a ticket for a new employee that has multiple tasks to accomplish needs prior to the employees first day, but the hiring process is rescinded and the ticket should be cancelled with no action taken on the associated tasks.

My thought is that by setting the task to 100% when no action was needed or completed can lead to inaccurate reporting of action taken by a user.

Thanks for any input or suggestions on establishing an internal workflow for situations like this.

Tags task ticket-cancelation
Asked by Kendall Johnson on Wed 12/21/22 2:01 PM
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Answer (1)

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Greg Van De Mark Wed 12/21/22 2:46 PM

You can include the ticket status or ticket status class in your filter. Something like

Ticket Status Class is not one of [Completed, Cancelled]

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Interesting, so don't worry about them not being cancelled or completed, just change your report to not see them. I was stuck in a mentality of how to address them directly rather than just let them be forgotten. Thanks for the idea. - Kendall Johnson Wed 12/21/22 3:55 PM