iPaaS List question


When filling a list in iPaaS using "Split from" option, do you know a way to do "this or that"? For example, I have an iPaaS form which allows using comma or semicolon per each item, I want to be able to account for the users choice so "split from" ; or ,

Tags iPaaS
Asked by David Mitchell on Mon 12/5/22 11:50 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Medaugh Mon 12/5/22 2:12 PM

Hi David,

At present, there isn't a way to apply OR logic to the split from delimiter. Best bet would be to use a replace expression on the data to replace the semicolons with commas, then run the list with a split from using commas.

Hope this helps!

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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That's a good idea. Thank you! - David Mitchell Mon 12/5/22 2:21 PM