Creating A Report For Tickets Created After Specific Time


I am attempting to create a report within TDNext that will allow me to view all tickets created after a specific time (4:30pm) in my case. I would like to have the report show all tickets for up to a month.

Does anybody have any tips on how to do so? I'm trying to use a filter with the "created" field within the report but that isn't seeming to work how I would like it to.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Tags report
Asked by Riley Fay on Wed 11/16/22 12:34 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Wed 11/16/22 1:07 PM

Hello Riley,

Unfortunately there is not a "time of day" type of filter for this sort of reporting. You'd likely have to report on the full list of results for the given date range, then export it to Excel to remove the ones that aren't in your desired time-of-day range and compile those results there.

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David Tod Wed 11/16/22 1:59 PM

I think a question like this has come up before. 

You could do a report with date created = run date minus x hours and then schedule email delivery for a specific time. The email would be accurate at least.

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