importing a large inventory into TDX

we are looking to move our large inventory from KACE (Quest) into TDX. my first question is do we need iPAAS just to move the inventory? We are going to do this in the sandbox first then iron out some things before we move into PROD. My second question is has anyone done a KACE (QUEST) move to TDX? any help or info would be appreciated.

Tags asset-application asset-discovery
Asked by James Richard on Mon 11/14/22 9:20 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Mon 11/14/22 9:41 AM

Hello James,

It is certainly not required to use iPaaS to obtain asset records and move them. All you really need is for your current asset system to be able to export data per our requirements in this KB here:

If you go with the Asset Import Utility option, there is an example template you can find in your Assets app in TDNext under the Import > Asset Import option. That will tell you all of the available columns/fields that you can import with and should tell you how to format the values for each field.

If Kace/Quest can export like that or if you can massage it after exporting then send the Excel file through our import utility built into the system, that would handle creating the asset records for you.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
That it was I was able to navigate to and am currently watching the very helpful video. We played around with this before and when I tried to download the example import template, it's pulling from our changed default asset form. we must of overide it instead of creating a new one. Is there a way to get that default one back from TDX? - James Richard Mon 11/14/22 9:50 AM
Unfortunately when you import there is no option at this time to select a different form other than your asset application's default form. You'd have to modify that value later. - Mark Sayers Mon 11/14/22 9:59 AM

Bryan Weist Mon 11/14/22 1:09 PM

There are other ways of performing this type of migration.  If you have a Server that is beefed up, you should be able to write a simple script in powershell that connects your TDX instance via Invoke-Restmethod cmdlet.

You'd need to have a CSV with all the appropriate columns listed of course.

You will need to make sure you have all your asset attributes mapped out correctly and that you have those on hand to help translate the information from the CSV into TDX's system. 

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