missing public desktop
As a user or an admin (can't remember which), I created a public desktop that I linked to from the TDClient home page. That link is now broken and I'm trying to locate the desktop.
It isn't in Admin → Applications → (client portal) → Users & Roles → Users → (me) → Desktops, so it doesn't seem to have been made by me as a user unless something got deleted on me.
Where would I find it if the admin created it?
Answer (1)
Hello Greg,
In order for a desktop to be marked as public, it must first be applied to someone's TDX account as a TDNext desktop. They then have to edit the desktop from their view of TDnext and mark it as Public. I'm not sure if that helps any or not, but you could start I suppose by checking out the accounts of your other org admins to see if their TDX accounts show this desktop as one that is in their Desktops list and is marked public still
Otherwise you may have to re-create the desktop.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant
Q: A public desktop link broke after the admin changed the desktop to be a linked desktop. What is going on?
A: Admins can make linked desktops to make their lives easier (no redistribution of desktops after a change is made) but admins cannot make desktops public. In other words, public desktops cannot be linked desktops. So, you'll need to handle public desktops the old way - as non-linked desktops.
Is this correct? - Greg Van De Mark Tue 10/11/22 3:28 PM