API Endpoint to Remove Workflow

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking to remove a workflow from about 600 tickets but cannot find how to do it using the API. I found the ability to assign workflow and some other workflow related API endpoints here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDWebApi/Home/section/Tickets
However, I can't figure out how to remove the workflow, similar to how we can do it in TDNext: Actions > Remove Workflow.

Could someone provide me in the right direction? I feel like it's something really simple I'm overlooking.
Thank you for your assistance.


Ash Saini
IT Support Specialist
Univeristy of Nevada Las Vegas

Tags API workflow delete-workflow
Asked by Ashbinder Saini on Mon 10/3/22 7:17 AM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 10/3/22 11:03 AM

Hello Ashbinder,

Currently, none of our workflow-related API endpoints explicitly support just removing a workflow from a ticket. They support reassigning the applied workflow or applying a new one, but not a simple remove of the currently applied workflow.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

OU ITSM Team Thu 10/13/22 4:02 PM Last edited Thu 10/13/22 4:02 PM

Good afternoon,


You can create an escape workflow, essentially what we do have a condition statement.  You can just have the tickets that you want to the workflow removed from assigned to this particular workflow.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
We have a similar situation where we want to remove the workflow when a ticket is canceled. How would we be able to trigger a web service method to replace the existing workflow with the escape workflow? - Scott Cory Thu 4/4/24 11:54 AM