"From" Change With Email Notifications

A tech within our department has asked if it would be possible to change the "From" field in the email notification when a ticket is created to reflect who the requester is rather than the technician who created the ticket.

I can't seem to find any settings that would allow me to make this change.

Tags emails email-configuration alert-email
Asked by Riley Fay on Thu 9/29/22 11:10 AM Last edited Thu 9/29/22 11:10 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 9/29/22 4:19 PM

Hello Riley,

If it is a technician who created the ticket, and they're choosing to notify the Requestor of the ticket's creation, no there is no way to make that notification show as if the Requestor had been the one who created the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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