API: How to retrieve/update Response Templates?

Hi there,

How can I retrieve/update Response Templates and Response Template Categories using the Web API?



Tags API response-templates response-template-categories
Asked by Juswaldy Jusman on Fri 9/23/22 3:13 PM Last edited Fri 9/23/22 3:19 PM
Do you mean "Response Templates"? - Dan Burnett Fri 9/23/22 3:14 PM
Doh! You're right Dan, that's what I meant: Response Templates. Thanks! - Juswaldy Jusman Fri 9/23/22 3:19 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 9/23/22 4:27 PM

Hello Juswaldy,

You cannot currently modify or create ticketing app Response Templates via the API.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks Mark. Is there a timeline for when they will be made available through the API? - Juswaldy Jusman Fri 9/23/22 5:10 PM
Unfortunately I do not know that there is a plan to make them available via the API. You could always submit an enhancement request though to ask for that as a possibility.

We aren't able to guarantee though that any certain request *will* be implemented into the final TDX product.
- Mark Sayers Mon 9/26/22 10:03 AM