Searching Workflows for Approvers


I have a request to identify how many service requests we have in our system (and which ones) involve a certain approver. Is there an easy way to search the workflows to see which ones contain this user as an approver?

Thank you for your time!


Tags search workflow approver
Asked by Ted Stahl on Thu 8/18/22 11:34 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 12:09 PM

Hello Ted,

You would have to manually look at your workflows to see which approval steps on those workflows involve this person. There's otherwise no great way to find this information currently.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks for the quick confirmation. I was going through manually in anticipation of this.
I appreciate the insight!
- Ted Stahl Thu 8/18/22 12:11 PM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 12:15 PM