What does the article reporting attribute "Read By" actually count?

Tried to find some info in KB and questions but couldn't. If already asked/answered I apologize.

Wondering specifically what does the "Read By" attribute measure for KB articles.  Is it number of authenticated users that viewed the article?  Total number of views? Authenticated and unique public views?

Is the "Read By" attribute available through the API? I don't see it in the list of properties in the documentation.

And to confirm, there's really now method to view WHEN article views are happening right?  Is that available through a direct db connection for private cloud customers?

Thank you as always in advance.

Tags KB read-by views
Asked by Bill Harlan on Wed 8/17/22 11:05 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 10:09 AM

Hello Bill,

The Read By will track the first and the latest time that an authenticated user has viewed an article. It should also track (for public articles) the last time an unauthenticated user accessed the article in question.

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