Passing data to a form via link?

I'm trying to build an iPaaS form that simply exists to function as a page that displays some information passed to it.
This form needs to be accessible by a link contained within an email, and, as such, needs to contain the information it needs within the link to the form.
Upon initialisation, the form should take the data from within the URL and update its appearance accordingly.
Is this possible to build? If so, how, generally speaking, should I go about implementing this?

Tags iPaaS ipaas-forms
Asked by Emil Sayahi on Thu 7/28/22 2:11 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 8/26/22 3:35 PM

Hello Emil,

This is not possible today although I believe there is a feature request ticket (or two) already written for it. Feel free to submit an enhancement asking for this if you want to +1 that idea.

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Carrie Willis Fri 8/26/22 3:50 PM

Hi Emil,

If you're sending the form via an email, you should be able to achieve this using the Send Form step in iPaaS:

  1. Create an iPaaS flow which you'll use to send the link
  2. Add a Send Form step to your flow
  3. Configure the Send Form step, specifically the Form Data tab, with the information you want to display.

I know this is kind of a lot to explain, so I recorded a quick (20 minute) video for you explaining how to do this. Please let me know if this addresses your question or if I'm off base!

Thank you.


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