Display Requestor's Assets on Ticket

Is it possible to display a requestor's assets on a TDX ticket they submit?  Can that somehow be added to a form? I realize you can click on the requestor’s name to bring up another window that lists their assets.

Thank You,

Mike Schuster

Tags tickets assets
Asked by Mike Schuster on Fri 6/10/22 10:51 AM
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Answer (1)

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Christasia Bloom Wed 6/15/22 12:47 PM

Hi Mike,

Currently, there is not a way to display a list of requestor assets on a ticket. Your best bet is, as you mentioned, to click on the requestor's person record and view their Assets under the Assets tab.

However, this could be a good candidate for an Enhancement Request, which you can submit here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Home/


Christasia Bloom

Support Consultant, CS

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