iPaaS: Adding hyperlinks to send emails in Gmail connector


Can we add hyperlinks to th email/message body when sending the email through the G-mail connector in iPaaS?

Tags iPaaS gmail
Asked by Mahir Rahman on Thu 6/2/22 11:01 AM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
David Tod Thu 6/2/22 11:30 AM

You create a template in iPass, so when you choose the Send Notification, you choose the Template and insert the template variables.

I may be misreading your original request though.

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David Tod Thu 6/2/22 11:14 AM

Yes, you can, but you're probably best off doing it in the raw HTML view, e.g.

<!--{{compliment}}-->&nbsp; Positive feedback on your ticket "<a href="{{ticketLink}}">{{ticketName}}</a>"

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How do you access and alter the raw HTML view in iPaaS? - Mahir Rahman Thu 6/2/22 11:23 AM
No, I want to add hyperlinks through the google gmail connector. Not the tdx notify connector. - Mahir Rahman Thu 6/2/22 1:02 PM