iPaaS Flows: Sorting Data?


I have a sheet inside an iPaaS flow that has two columns: a string of characters, and a number.

Usually, programming languages, within their standard libraries, contain methods to call to sort various collections of data, such as lists or dictionaries.

Does iPaaS have something, like a built-in sorting method, which I can use to sort the entries within that sheet by that second column (the number)?


Tags iPaaS
Asked by Emil Sayahi on Tue 5/31/22 1:15 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 6/1/22 5:04 PM Last edited Wed 6/1/22 5:04 PM

Hello Emil,

The attached flow was put together as an example by our iPaaS team to show a means of doing sorting a table by number with a Script step. Included also is a step to sort alphabetically as well. Hope it helps.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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