iPaaS Flows: Is it possible to leave comments?


I've created two rather complex iPaaS flows that I'd like to document for others.

Is there some functionality in the flow designer view to leave comments near a block?


Tags iPaaS
Asked by Emil Sayahi on Fri 5/20/22 12:39 PM
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Answer (1)

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Jordyn Mancini Fri 5/20/22 1:09 PM

Hi Emily - 

Yes - it is possible to leave comments on iPaaS steps! You can only add them (and they are only visible) when you are in Design mode, rather than Test mode. Just click on the 3 vertical dots to the left of the step and click "Add Comment." 

You'll find that certain "nested" steps can't have a comment - the best example I can think of is property steps within a Table. The Table step itself can have comments, but the properties inside it can't. 

I created a quick demo if that helps: 

Passcode: w%ie8#gy



Jordyn Mancini 

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