"New" TDX Connectors in iPaaS data


the other day I created new connectors for TDX in iPaaS since there has been a change and I think are supposed to be automatically updated with new changes. I am using the ticket connector for a new flow and I noticed there are no lookup values to create a ticket for example. When I select "AppID" and the hamburger menu, nothing comes up, I looked in the connector and these lookups do not exist as the did in the old version I have. Is there something I need to add myself?



Tags iPaaS
Asked by David Mitchell on Wed 5/11/22 4:23 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/11/22 4:58 PM

Hi Dave,


If there are new actions, you can just go in Standard Actions in your old connector and check the boxes for them.

​There may be lookups that don't exist on the base connector that the iPaaS team added at some point for you on your old connector.

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Thanks. I was just curious about the lookups because we had never added them before. I will just add to the connectors instead. - David Mitchell Wed 5/11/22 5:13 PM