Create a Report on Asset Feed

This question may have already been answered for the Ticket Feed.  Is it possible to create a report from an Asset Feed?

Tags asset-report asset-application feed-entries
Asked by Tyler Duncan on Tue 4/19/22 8:51 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 4/19/22 10:00 AM

Hello Tyler,

Unfortunately we do not have any reporting on Feed posts for any item in TeamDynamix (apart from being able to report on the comments of the latest project status update).

This would require an enhancement to allow reporting on this sort of thing.

No feedback
Tyler - Have you looked at this API, "GET ..../api/{appId}/assets/feed?DateFrom={DateFrom}&DateTo={DateTo}&ReplyCount={ReplyCount}&ReturnCount={ReturnCount}"

The description reads, "Gets feed items for an asset application feed matching the specified search." I ran a test of it and it also returned CIs.

It isn't as easy as a report but it might be a way to get the information in a JSON format that you can do something with.
- Bobby Jones Wed 4/20/22 11:14 AM
Have you come up with a way to make it an ad-hoc report where functional users can pull it anytime? - Tyler Duncan Wed 4/20/22 11:20 AM
No, I haven't. I just happen to see that one a few days ago.

I am new to using the APIs but it seems that you should be able to use Postman, Boomi, etc. to schedule a run of that API then transform the results into an automated email or maybe you could create a webpage that has a link or button to trigger the API and return the results to the web page.

Both approaches seem technically possible but I have not done them, yet.
- Bobby Jones Wed 4/20/22 11:36 AM