Connecting to TDX report in Analysis using iPaaS Get Report Connector

I am trying to connect to a TDX report in my iPaaS flow but the ReportID taken directly from the report is not working. In TDX I am able to connect to reports under IT Tickets but am not able to connect to the reports under Analysis. Is there a solution to this issue other than recreating the report in IT Tickets?

Tags iPaaS ipaas-forms
Asked by Owen Campbell on Thu 4/14/22 2:49 PM
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Christasia Bloom Fri 4/15/22 10:16 AM

Hi Owen,

You should be able to connect to the reports under Analysis with the connector by completing the following steps:

1. Make sure your iPaaS user (whatever credential you're using with the TDX reports connector) has access to whatever app the report lives in.

2. Set the report's visibility to "Everyone with this application" rather than "Just me".

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Christasia Bloom
Support Consultant, CS   

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