Service/Service Offering not appearing in list of services in form

Hi there,

I have some services that have been built along with service specific forms. The custom forms have been attached to their respective services. In the forms there is a Services field which we want to pre-populate with the service so that our technicians don't have to enter it each time a request comes in. While I was able to populate the service in the forms for many of our services, there are some services that do not show up in the list when clicking on the field to popluate it with the appropriate default. 

I've checked the service's that are missing and most of them are service offerings. The thing is, the parent service isn't showing up in the list either. The parent service and it's offerings are active and live. some are even public. 

Another strange thing, which I hope isn't a red herring, is that I found 2 forms where the parent service was populated in the service field. I thought to myuself, great! I can open the list in those forms to find the service, but it wasn't there either, despite the fact that it is populated in the field. 

I am pretty sure this is just me missing a functionality of the product, but danged if I can figure it out.

Any help on clearing this up will be appreciated.


Tags custom form service
Asked by Damon Stennett on Wed 4/13/22 1:43 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 4/13/22 2:06 PM

Hello Damon,

Do you have an example of a service and its service offerings that you aren't able to set as the default Service/Service Offering value on a form?

If so, what are the names and IDs of the service and service offering?

As a note though, if these forms are only going to be utilized by persons within the context of the service catalog, you don't *need* to populate the default service/service offering values on those fields, because the service catalog automatically does that for you already.

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