Analysis Reports and API


I've got an Actual Hours report in my Analysis section for a specified time period that I'd like to call in the API.  I'm not seeing anything in the documentation about getting these saved reports using the Report ID, like I can with ticket reports.  I tried using the report ID with my normal API syntax, but got a 404 error.

Is it possible to get Analysis reports in this manner?

Thank you,

Pam Jordan

Tags API analysis-report
Asked by Pamela Jordan on Mon 4/11/22 11:46 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 4/11/22 12:01 PM

Hello Pamela,

The same endpoint that you use to get Ticket reports via API would be the one used to get Analysis reports.

I do want to note that the user credentials you are authenticating into the API with *do* need to have access to the Analysis app and (if you're using a Service Account type account as opposed to a regular User account) the report would need to be configured to be visible to all with access to that app).

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The report runner account does have access to the report but I'm still getting the error. I'll have to verify the account permissions as they might not be high enough.

Thanks for your quick response!
- Pamela Jordan Mon 4/11/22 12:15 PM