Update Locks on Tickets/Tasks

I am a huge fan of being able to see who is viewing/editing/updating a ticket. This feature is great when I remember to look at this. Is there a way to "lock" the ticket during updates, so that no other users can edit/update the ticket? I have had instances of double work occurring and I believe a setting for "locking" a ticket would be effective.

Or is the best practice to use the "My Work" applications to "hide" the ticket from others so then this occurrence is less likely?

Tags ticket-update ticket-lock
Asked by Triston Martin on Wed 3/23/22 5:41 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 3/24/22 9:51 AM

Hello Triston,

Unfortunately no, this is not currently possible.

It would be a great feature though, you should submit this as an enhancement idea via our service here: Submit a Product Idea

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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