Move Attchment from Ticket to another location


In iPaaS, is it possible to get an attachment from a ticket in TDX and save it to a local file server? I see the "Get Attachment Content" in the Ticket connector but is it possible to grab the file and move it via the Windows File Server connector?


Thank you

Tags iPaaS
Asked by David Mitchell on Tue 3/22/22 6:45 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 3/23/22 11:11 AM Last edited Wed 3/23/22 11:11 AM

Hello David,

I chatted with our iPaaS team and they believe this should be possible as you have outlined it.

I'm attaching a sample file containing the json for an example flow that accomplishes this. Give it a look and see if that makes sense.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
This worked great! I was trying to move or copy file, not "create" which is why I had the issue. Makes sense looking at the flow you provided. Thanks again! - David Mitchell Wed 3/23/22 11:28 AM