Automatically Update Ticket Statuses

Is there a way to automatically update the status a ticket upon the ticket being edited in certain ways? 

For example, in the department I work in, when we get a new ticket, it comes into TDX as a "New" ticket. I would like the status of the ticket to switch to "Open" when it assigned to a technician but I haven't been able to figure out a way to make this work. Is there any way to make this happen on the back end in TDA?

Tags ticket tickets status statuses ticket-status
Asked by Riley Fay on Thu 3/17/22 3:41 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 3/18/22 9:38 AM

Hello Riley,

There isn't anything in TeamDynamix that allows for a ticket's status to be updated just because it is assigned to someone.

It might be possible via iPaaS, but that is a separately paid add-on to our product that I'm not sure your organization has purchased at this point. If you are interested in learning about it though, let me know and I can contact your Customer Success representative to get in touch with you to provide further information.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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