Details of Knowledge base permissions

I am unable to locate the list of KB permissions and what each means in detail.  IE.  always edit articles, etc. are very generic and do not provide any specific details as to what that actually means.  Where is this detailed article

1.  I am trying to correct our roles so they do we need them to do:

Role 1: View all PUBLIC articles, VIEW any (non-public) article that they have permission based on their assigned groups.  Create articles.  EDIT Public articles AND non-public articles they have permission to see based on their assigned groups.

Role 2: View all PUBLIC articles, View and EDIT any (non-public) article that they have permission based on their assigned groups, Edit Public articles, review/approve drafts.

Role 3: Role 3 MINUS Create articles

*What role allows people to edit articles that they have access to but are not the OWNER of?

-Our archived articles are marked as Archived AND are in a special category with only 1 group has access,  however, all TDX KB users search and see all of these archived KBs. 

Tags access permissions KB
Asked by Amy Hamman on Wed 2/23/22 4:20 PM Last edited Thu 2/24/22 9:18 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 2/24/22 9:26 AM

Hello Amy,

I believe you might find this KB article of interest: Knowledge Centered Service Roles and Permissions

It details fairly in depth the permissions needed to do various acts like what you've asked about above.

One thing to note is that the View All Articles permission allows users to view anything that is in your knowledge base regardless of its published or public status. It is an override permission, so even article or category restrictions are not adhered to when someone has that permission. So if you do not want users to see all articles, make sure their security role for the client portal doesn't have that permission.

Let me know if you have any other questions about KB permissions in general.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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