iPaaS: CSV File unable to read commas
I am working on importing data from a CSV file to the Asset/CIs application. In the file some of the data contain commas. To prevent this, I have put the data in double quotes. Unfortunately, the commas are being read as newlines instead of a single field. Is this something that will be remedied with the new release of 2.0?
In the example below the correct layout should be "MacBookPro16,1".
Asked by Tyler Duncan
on Fri 2/18/22 12:54 PM
Last edited Fri 2/18/22 2:40 PM
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Mark Sayers
Mon 2/21/22 11:36 AM
Hello Tyler,
Can you try formatting it like "MacBookPro16,1" instead of ""MacBookPro16","1"", and see if that makes any difference?
If it does not make a difference, can we get a sample of the input data they're trying to use? maybe a screen shot or something? The example you have in the question looks like it's the output/result.
1 of 1 users found this helpful.
After playing around with the delimiter, I may have found a resolution to the issue.
- Tyler Duncan
Tue 2/22/22 12:14 PM