Maximum number of choices in a drop down custom attribute

Hi guys,

What's the maximum number of choices we can have for a drop down custom attribute?



Tags custom-attributes drop-down
Asked by Erin Tramble on Wed 2/16/22 2:10 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 2/16/22 3:51 PM

Hello Erin,

Theoretically there isn't a limit. How large would you be needing to make it though?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
. . . ~1500. - Erin Tramble Thu 2/17/22 1:46 PM
Potentially a valid question at this point would be: what use case might this be for?

And: is there a better way to achieve what is being attempted than plugging ~1500 choices into a single custom attribute? because doing so is going to have page load implications on any page that utilizes that custom attribute in some capacity (like the request form, ticket edit, ticket search page, etc).
- Mark Sayers Thu 2/17/22 3:25 PM
Hey Mark,

We're creating a new instance for our Print Shop and the list of ~1500 items is a list of requestable courseware.

We will likely manage this with attributes and dependencies that first asks the user to select their field of study, and then use that dependency to display an attribute listing the related courseware for that area. We'll create several attributes that list courseware by area, instead of one large list with dependencies.

That being said, some of those courseware drop downs will still have up to 250 items - any insight if there will be issues loading that number? I'd also welcome any suggestions on how other folks have managed this sort of thing if you/anyone has them.
- Erin Tramble Thu 2/24/22 2:35 PM
250 shouldn't be much of a display/loading issue. Rather than filter 1 attribute of 1500 choices down to *just* a couple hundred choices, you might consider splitting those relevant choices per "area of study" or whatever into their own attribute, then use the attribute dependency to make each display based on a parent field's value selection. - Mark Sayers Thu 2/24/22 2:41 PM
Yes, that's exactly what we plan to do - sorry it wasn't clear! - Erin Tramble Thu 2/24/22 3:02 PM