iPaaS Run Flow: Manually from within TDX iPaaS

I'd like to run one of my flows manually, but without having to key in each field in the Flow Input, but instead, copy and paste the JSON data to run.  Is this possible? 

Tags iPaaS Input-Data ipaas-triggers
Asked by Tyler Duncan on Thu 2/10/22 12:26 PM Last edited Fri 2/18/22 2:38 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 2/21/22 1:41 PM

Hello Tyler,

If you are just testing, you can use Test mode in the flow designer and edit the Flow Input Data directly in the flow designer test mode. Click the Binoculars on the Start step, then modify the JSON in the Test Results pane to the right, then click save. Then you can click the play button on the top. This does not log a run in the flow run history though, since it's in test mode.

You might be able to use the Run Flow option (from the flow details menu in the top right) to have it log in the flow run history, but I'm not sure if that will use the customized Flow Input Data that you entered.

2 of 2 users found this helpful.
I wanted to run a full test of our asset import, including over 2,000 items. The test mode usually times out after 100 or so or until my session has timed out. - Tyler Duncan Tue 2/22/22 12:16 PM
I was advised today that using the 'Run Flow' option will not use the data set on the Start Step. This dialog currently only allows entering the data via the UI presented. It would be a really great add if you could alternately copy/paste the data into this dialog into a free form editor vs using the UI. If you'd like I could create an enhancement request asking for this ability on your behalf? - Mark Sayers Tue 2/22/22 2:13 PM
That would be great. Thanks! - Tyler Duncan Tue 2/22/22 2:14 PM
Ok I've created ticket 19793648 for you to ask for this. - Mark Sayers Tue 2/22/22 3:15 PM