Stacked Bar Report

We've been asked if TDX can create stacked bar reports. When building a report, I have to say no, but looking at the Standard Reports> Ticket Aging it is a stacked horizontal bar. So is there a way for us to generate that type of graph?


Tags reports
Asked by David Robertson on Wed 1/5/22 2:05 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 1/5/22 2:09 PM

Hi David,

There isn't a way to generate a stacked bar report currently, no. The Ticket Aging report is the only (or one of the only) examples of that type of report existing in TDX and only as a baked-in report. Custom reports currently do not have the ability to chart via a stacked bar or any other type of stacked charting report.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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