What happens when I reassign a ticket or ticket task that's assigned to a group?

When a ticket or ticket task is assigned to a Group or to a Group + Person, the system checks the new assigned person's groups before updating the assignment on the ticket.

  • If the new person is a member of the ticket/task's current group, the group assignment will stay on the ticket/task.
  • If they are not a member of that group, the ticket/task will be assigned to their Primary Group as well as the individual.
  • If they aren't a member of that group and also don't have a Primary Group, it will assign the ticket directly to them and remove the old Group assignment.

Groups that have been deactivated will not be factored into this process. If an individual's Primary Group has been deactivated, it will behave as if the individual has no Primary Group set.

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Article ID: 87960
Fri 9/27/19 5:21 PM
Fri 10/22/21 5:19 PM

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