Knowledge Base article templates allow you to define a set of formatting which is applied to an article when a user directly edits the article. Templates can also be chosen when an article is created from the Ticket Update screen, modifying how the created article displays.
Defining a Template to use during Ticket Updates
When you define a knowledge base article template, you can select one of the following template tags to include in the body of the article template:
- TicketTitle
- TicketDescription
- TicketUpdate
When the template is used during a ticket update, the Title, Description, and Update Text will be inserted in place of the respective template tag.
Using Templates during Ticket Update
When a user updates a ticket, if they choose to create a new article and at least one article template has been defined, a new field will allow them to choose a template. This template will be added to the article, and the Title, Update and Description will be inserted wherever the tags are within the template.