Working with Alerts on Tickets and Requests

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This how-to article will help Technicians create Ticket alerts for themselves in the Ticketing application within the TDNext interface. You will need to ensure you have access to the Ticketing application and TDNext to use this feature.


Ticket alerts allow the signed in user to be notified at certain stages of a ticket’s lifecycle for both ticket and ticket task events such as closure or completion. These are for the individual user and not shared to other users.

Adding and Deleting Ticket Alerts

You can add alerts to a ticket to be notified of changes in the ticket's status. Or, if an alert is no longer needed, you can delete an alert from the ticket.

To add an alert to a ticket:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications Menu and select the desired Ticketing application.
  2. Click Tickets in the left navigation.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the Apply button.
  4. Click the title link of the ticket you’d like to add an alert to.
  5. Navigate to the My Alerts tab, then click the Add button.
  6. In the Add Alert popup window, select the alert(s) you’d like to add.
  7. Click the Save button.


The alerts will now appear in the My Active Alerts section of the ticket request detail window.

To delete an alert from a ticket:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications Menu and select the desired Ticketing application.
  2. Click Tickets in the left navigation.
  3. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the Apply button.
  4. Click the title link of the ticket from which you’d like to delete an alert.
  5. Click the Delete link of the appropriate alert in the My Alerts tab of the ticket.
  6. A pop up message will appear confirming the removal of the alert, select Ok

Adding and Deleting Ticket Request Alerts

You can add alerts to a ticket request to be notified of changes in the ticket request's status. Or, if an alert is no longer needed, you can delete an alert from the ticket request.

To add an alert to a ticket request:

  1. Navigate to Client Portal > Services application > Ticket Requests.
  2. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the Search button.
  3. Click Tickets in the left navigation, then click the title link of the Ticket Request to which you’d like to add an alert.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. In the Add Alert popup window, check the checkboxes of the alert(s) you’d like to add.
  6. Click the Save button.


The alerts will now appear in the My Active Alerts section of the ticket request detail window.

To delete an alert from a ticket request:

  1. Navigate to Client Portal > Services application > Ticket Requests.
  2. If necessary, modify the search criteria and click the Search button.
  3. Click Tickets in the left navigation, then click the title link of the Ticket Request you’d like to delete.
  4. Click the Delete link of the appropriate alert in the My Active Alerts section of the ticket request detail window.
  5. A pop up message will appear confirming the removal of the alert, select Ok

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • This is different than Flagging a ticket in TDNext. Flagging a ticket allows you to have a personal watchlist and have it display as a widget on a Desktop. There are no notifications with Flagging; only with My Alerts you can receive email notifications.
  • Once an alert is processed and completed it is removed from the ticket.  For example, if you add an alert to notify you when all tasks are completed and the ticket has 3 tasks and those 3 tasks are all marked complete (100%) that alert processes and is removed from the ticket.  If the ticket remains open after the last task is marked complete and a fourth task is added to the ticket your alert will not apply to that fourth task that was added after the alert processed.  You would need to re-add that alert to the ticket to get notified when the current task(s) are completed. 


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