This article help users to view various ticket performance metrics. The user must have the ticketing application and TDNext access.
This report displays how project requests in your company line up with your request criteria to consider them as projects. To be included in this report, project requests need to have been scored and must have passed the workflow step marked as ready for reporting.
Where to Find This
This feature appears in TDNext in Portfolio Planning application. It will be located within the navigation on the left side of the screen.
Navigate to this report following this path:
- TDNext > Portfolio Planning > Standard Reports
Using the Requests Matrix Report
The chart displays how project requests in your company line up your request criteria graphically. You can choose how you want to evaluate scored requests by setting the "X Axis" and "Y Axis" choices.
X Axis choices include
- Risk
- Payback Period (Years)
- Number of Systems Affected
Y Axis choices include
- Composite Score
- Scorecard Score
- Return on Investment
- Internal Rate Of Return
- Number of Goals Met
After choosing how to evaluate the project requests, select what values to compare project requests against for the X and Y axes by filling in the "X" and "Y Marker" fields. This will create blue horizontal and vertical lines at the specified X and Y values. Choosing to "Force Display" shows the intersection of your X and Y marker values. If you leave the "X" and/or "Y Marker" fields blank, the average value of the axis settings will be used for the comparing lines. The "Show Labels" option displays the project request id and name under it on the graph. Clicking on a project request opens the project request detail page.
The size of each bubble on the chart is based upon each request's total budget (relative to the maximum total budget of all requests included in the report). A request's total budget is equal to the request time budget + the request expense budget. The request time budget can be adjusted by modifying functional role (resource) forecasts for the request. The request expense budget can be adjusted by modifying expense forecasts for the request.
When activating the filter "Show projects (active)", this will only pull in projects that are Active, and are currently under a status with a status class of New, In Process, or On Hold.
The table will display each account or project type that has evaluated and scored project requests, depending on how you choose to group the results by. For each account or project type, the table also show the project request count ("Project Count"), the total budget of the project requests, the risk average, and the score average.
If you expand an account or project type name, a table will be displayed showing each project request's id, name, account, type, budget, payback period, internal rate of return, return on investment, score, and risk score for that account or project type. Project name links are links to that project request's detail page.
If you enter no data in a project request's Risk section (under Benefits), the risk for the project request will be 0. If you entered no data in a project request's Returns section, 0 will be displayed for payback period, internal rate of return, and return on investment.
- Score = (Project Request Criteria Value / Project Request Criteria's Max Value) x (Project Request Criteria's Percent Of Value) -> This calculation is done for each project request criteria, then these values are totaled to get the Score value. Project request criteria and values are defined in TDAdmin and set in the project request Scorecard section.
- Risk Score = (Sum of all risk scores) / (Total number of risks)
Risk choice values are:
- Not Applicable = 1
- Low = 0.67
- Medium = 0.33
- High = 0
- Payback Period = (Project Request Cost) / (Project Request Estimated Income per Period)
- IRR (Internal Rate of Return) = i that occurs when NPV is set to 0.
- NPV (Net Present Value) =
Ct is the cash flow at a given period t. i is the project request discount rate (defaults to 10%).
- ROI (Return On Investment) =
Vi is the initial investment, or the cost, of the project request while Vf is the final value of the investment, or the project request estimated income per period multiplied by the number of project request periods.