Tickets Count Report


This is a standard TeamDynamix report used to report on the total number of tickets and ticket age per User.

Where to Find This

This report is located within TDNext, in the Ticketing application, under the Standard Reports section.

Using the Tickets Count Report

This report may display (depending on how you choose to group the results):

  • Each account that has tickets associated with it.
  • Each ticket type that has tickets associated with it.
  • Each person who has primary responsibility on at least one ticket.
  • The average days old each person's tickets are.
  • The total amount of tickets each person has primary responsibility for.

Each column displays data for tickets each person has primary responsibility for. For example, if a person was assigned to a ticket but did not have primary responsibility, that data would not be included in the "Avg Days Old" and "Tickets" columns. Tickets which do not have a primary responsibility will be listed as "Unassigned."

You can group the results by account, type, person, or any combination of the three.

There are two tabs in which to specify the report search criteria:

  1. Standard Fields - Lets you enter default ticket search criteria.
  2. Custom Fields - Allows you to enter search criteria based on your company's custom ticket attributes.
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