Letting users see tickets that they're a Contact on from the Client Portal

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  • How do we ensure that users can see see all of the tickets they submitted or are a contact on in any queue show up when searched?
  • Some of our tickets do not appear to be showing up for users that are listed as contacts tickets when searched, even if the option "Include requests that I am listed as a contact on" is checked.


  • Client portal > ticket search
  • User has the option selected to view tickets they're a contact on


If users have the "Include requests that I am listed as a contact on" checked and aren't seeing those in their lists, the ticketing application may need the "Allow Ticket Contacts to View Tickets in the Client Portal" setting enabled.

  • Users with access to TDAdmin can update that.
  • If you have multiple ticketing applications, you'll need to do this for each one.

To enable the "Allow Ticket Contacts to View Tickets in the Client Portal" setting:

  1. In TDAdmin , go to Applications.
  2. Select the Ticketing Application.
  3.  Click Settings.
  4. Under the Client Portal Visibility Settings section, enable Allow ticket contacts to view tickets in Client Portal.
  5. Click Save at the top of the page.
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