Including Categories with 0 Articles in KB Category Export

Tags kcs


Is it possible to get a Knowledge Base report on Category Paths to show categories that have 0 articles in them? Or, is that something I'd have to create a visual for at a Desktop level to see?

  • Creating a report on Category or Category Paths includes duplicate rows
  • Adding Article Count to the report excludes categories without any articles in them


  • Analysis tab in TDNext (Work Management)
  • Knowledge Base Reports 


It's not possible to get this information to show up in a Knowledge Base report, but users with access to TDAdmin can find it in the specific Client Portal Application's setting page:

  1. Go to TDAdmin
  2. In the left sidebar, click Applications
  3. Click the specific Client Portal App you're need the data for
  4. In the left sidebar, click Knowledge Base > Categories


Because the Knowledge Base reports in the Analysis tab report on articles, it's not possible to include a row for Categories or Category Paths with an Article Count of 0 in that report type.

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